Homers Iliad and the Gilgamesh epic

essay should be about 800 words (750 minimum to 900 maximum), typed, double-spaced, 12-point type and must include the word count. Do NOT use any sources other than the appropriate primary source readings from Revel, You must use the primary sources to support your thesis or the assignment will be considered incomplete. Cite the sources in parenthetical notes, e.g. (Homer, Iliad 1.250). The essay is due on Blackboard Safe Assign no later than date listed on the syllabus. If the word count is missing, 10 points will be subtracted from the grade. Late papers will not be accepted and NO essay will be accepted by email.


Use the primary sources, e.g. Homers Iliad and the Gilgamesh epic, to write an essay that analyses the values and ideals of the World of Homer and compares them to those of the Near Eastern epic. For example, what is the nature of the Heroic Code in Homer and its ideals of manly excellence (arete), honor (time) and glory (kleos)? Make at least two points of contact or similarity between the primary hero of the Iliad, Achilles, and the great Sumerian hero Gilgamesh. The essay should explore questions such as the following: why does Agamemnon quarrel with Achilles at the beginning of the Iliad? What role does shame and pride (hybris) play in their refusal to be reconciled? Should Hector take Andromaches advice and fight from within the walls of Troy? Why or why not? Why does Achilles refuse to accept Agamemnons gifts in Iliad, book 9? Is he right or not? How does Achilles compare with Gilgamesh?