Healththis Web Page Offers Understanding How Ones

Healththis Web Page Offers Understanding How Ones

Applying Health Psychology



300 to 400 words

APA in text citation

TURNITIN score must be at or below 20% as I will run it through on my end.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 9 in the course textbook and the articles Careers in Health Psychology (Links to an external site.), Pursuing a Career in Health Psychology (Links to an external site.), and Clinical Health Psychology (Links to an external site.).

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Health psychology can be applied in numerous settings. Whether you are a health clinician, a leader within an organization, a daycare provider, a parent, or a licensed psychologist, understanding how one’s health can affect one’s psychological well-being is an important area for consideration.

Based on your goals, address all of the following topics associated with health psychology and how you can potentially use this information to support your goals, whether in the health field or other discipline. Remember that you can use your knowledge in these areas in differing ways. For example, if you are working in HR, you may be able to use this knowledge to support employee wellness. If you are working as an educator, confidentiality is very important.

Topics to discuss:

  • Nutrition and Exercise
  • Effective Stress Management
  • Confidentiality
  • Cultural Competence

For example, if you are going to graduate school to become a licensed clinical psychologist, how will this information help your clients? If you are a daycare provider, how could this be applied when designing activities for children? If you desire to be a manager or leader in an organization, how can this knowledge help you to support your employees more successfully?

As you discuss each area, be critically aware of appropriately applying APA-formatted citations to support your assertions about the topic. For additional support, see the resource Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.).

Resources below

Harper, Y., Rosser-Majors, M., Anderson, S. L., Brewer, S., Kirwan, J., Lozano, Y. M., & Vincent, P. (2020). Psychology applied: Diverse domains, ample opportunity. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Clinical health psychology (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

  • This web page offers additional information about the field of health psychology and will support you with your Applying Health Psychology discussion, as well as identifying additional considerations for your essay and resume (to be included in the Final Packet in Week 5) if you are seeking a career in this field.

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Pursuing a career in health psychology (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…

  • This web page will give you additional information about careers in health psychology and will support you with your Applying Health Psychology discussion.