Findings Assignment
In the section you will provide the description of yoursample and the statistical analysis that will test the hypotheses in yourresearch study using the statistical printouts you generated in class or Iprovided. This is the FINDINGS sectionof your final research paper.
1. Just For thisassignment tell me what your hypotheses are (you will not be doing this in thefinal paper since you will have told me the hypotheses in a prior section):
If I gave you the proposal: copy and paste them from thatdocument.
If you are a CRJU 396 student: copy and paste from youroriginal proposal.
2. provide a few sentences and appropriate figures thatdescribe the sample: What is the gender distribution?What are the average, median, and mode of their age? What is the ethnicdistribution? What is the income distribution?
3. providea table and the interpretation of the table for each hypothesis includingwhether the findings are statistically significant.
Below is a template for the tables you need to provide. You should provide a table for each of yourhypotheses. The example below uses oneof the hypotheses provided in the proposal found in the CLASS MATERIALS folderin BB (PPCS Proposal for Non Methods Students). Provide the appropriate data/figure/number/percentage using your variables as presented in the printout you generated or I gave youfor this assignment.
A few reminders when creating and interpreting tables:
1. Identify theIndependent variable (IV) and Dependent variable (DV) in the hypothesis
2. The IV goes in theColumn position and the DV in the Row position
3. Provide theN/Count for the subjects according to their simultaneous response to IV and DV
4. Provide thepercentage within the IV as you see in the printout you generated or I gaveyou
5. Interpret by comparing the percentages ACROSS the columns(left to right), NOT the rows (NOT UP/DOWN)
H1: Women are more likelyto get a warning, than men, during a traffic stop.
Table 1
Receiving a ticket at warning stop by Gender
Received warning at Traffic Stop Male Female
N % N %
Yes Count ofMales % within Count of Females % within
Who said YES Sex for Males Who said YES Sex for Females
No Countof Males % within Count of Females % within
Whosaid NO Sex for Males Who said NO Sex for Females
Total Total Total Total
Interpret by comparing the % of males with a YES to the % offemales with yes. Make sure to provide asentence on whether it is statistically significant.
NOTE: Where I sayCount of Males who said yes I want to see a NUMBER of males who said yes
Where Isay % within Sex for Males I want to see the percentage of males who said yes
And soforth