Family World History Project

Reflection Paper (10% of Final Grade)Due Monday Feb 21st 

 Write a reflection paper of about 600-800 words detailing thestory told by your elder/s and feel free to include images thatthey might like to share and that might inspire your artwork.The reflection paper will not be graded like a formal paper, nofootnotes, citations, or formal structure needed. 
However it must contain the following three parts:1. Introduce the elder/s, their story/ies and which theme orthemes relate to their story. (A paragraph will do.) Makesure you ask your interviewee whether they wish for theirname to be disclosed, full name or just first name, ormaybe an alias. And make sure they know that stories willNOT be posted publicly, just shared in the class.) 
2. Retell their story. 
3. In a separate section, reflect on how that story relates toone of the themes above. Does it relate to particular keyterms or readings? If so which ones and why