ethical beleifs

Paper #1: Identifying My Ethical Lenses
Paper Goal: For students to identify their ethical lenses and what beliefs and
thoughts contribute to your lenses.
Timeline: The first draft of the paper is due electronically and in paper form by
2/3. Andy will review and make comments/suggestions by 1-27 and return it to
you. Final draft is due 3/3 both electronically and in paper form.
Technical Expectations:
This paper must be at least 3 but no more than 4 pages.
Calibri font
Size 14
Double spaced
Writing Style:
This paper must be written in complete sentences and in paragraph form.
Pay attention to spelling and use correct grammar.
Use at least 10 terms from our definitions list.
Cover all sections in the outlined.
Paper outline: The following sections are required in all papers. Please explain
your answers using terms from our definition list. Each section should be at least
two sentences.
Three central beliefs/truths/teachings form my Ethical Lenses. These
could take the form of:
oQuotes, religious teachings, wise sayings, formal creeds, pledges
(think nurse pining, Hippocratic oath, swear-ins in court, pledges of
allegiances), rules from organizations you belong too, ect.
oOnce identified, explain how these beliefs/truths/teachings guide
your ethical thoughts.
Pick an example of an ethical dilemma (real life situation you have
experienced), put the dilemma in context using at least 10 key terms
identified in class (please highlight these and use them properly), and
reflect on how dilemma was resolved.
Using what you have learned so far in class, explain if and how you would
approach this ethical dilemma differently now. If what you have learned
would not change your ethical approach explain why not.