
Amount: at minimum 6 full pages double-spaced, or 3 full pages single-spaced, in essay form



In terms of form, make certain that you:

  1. Write legibly.


  1. Proofread your paper for spelling and grammatical errors (i.e., leave time).


  1. Minimize quotations.  Paraphrase rather than quote since paraphrasing demonstrates the level at which you understand the material (a key aim of any essay is to demonstrate a high level of understanding of the material).



In terms of content make sure that you:


  1. Address the question(s) or statement you are asked to focus on.


  1. Take a position (i.e., write a clear thesis statement)If you have no discernible position/clear thesis statement, you will almost certainly score below the B range (below 70).


  1. Develop (an) argument(s) to support your position. I.e., do not simply state your agreement or disagreement with someone elses views, or simply state your own personal beliefs. Rather, give reasons.  If you want to cite scientific finding, please do so but be specific

If you take a position, but do not discernibly support that position with (a) clear and organized argument(s), you will almost certainly score below the A range.


  1. Avoid use of any terminology from sources not used in this course. (If you do refer to non-course terms, e.g., Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, or Emotivism, etc., youll need to specify what that term or phrase means, as well as make some case for why this concept is relevant to the topic you are writing on.) 


  1. Explicate the views of others in your own words.  I.e., no direct quoting.  Instead, paraphrase.  This helps show that you understand the material which you are analyzing and evaluating.


  1.  Be convincing.  Make sure you have in mind at least the obvious counter arguments to your view.  In order to mount a convincing argument, you must, at least, address these arguments and, at most, refute them. 


  1. If you do a good job of following steps 4-9, and if there are no glaring formal problems (steps 1-3), then you stand a very good chance of scoring in the A range (80+).

Answer the following question in essay form: 




In the dialogue Republic, Socrates argues that the just person is better off than the unjust person. Do you find Socrates view persuasive? Give (at least) 3 reasons to support your answer to the above question. 



      In the course of supporting your answer to this question, you must include answers to the following: What are Socrates main reasons for thinking that the just person is better off than the unjust person? Explain Glaucons story of the Ring of Gyges.  Is Socrates argument a good enough answer to the Ring of Gyges problem? What role do the concepts health and balance play in Socrates view of justice? 


      Whatever else you wish to include in your essay is your choice; but, to get the juices flowing, here are some further intuition pumps:  Does the Ring of Gyges accurately depict human nature?  Is it possible for a person to be both powerful and just at the same time?  Happy and just at the same time? Powerful and happy? Is happiness really the highest aim of humanity?