Easily Become General Management Question

Easily Become General Management Question


I need a five papers draft paper(reference page, cover page, and abstract paper doesn’t count, in other words, 5 pages (1.5 line distance + abstract paper+ reference page ) about the following question

Why projects fail. Describe a few projects that have
failed significantly and why they failed. You may choose to focus
on a single project or make a comparison or analysis of different projects. However, ensure that
you use multiple sources for
your input. A couple
of projects that are well
known and well documented could be… The Challenger Disaster, The commission
of the Vasa, The design and construction of the Sidney opera house, etc. You may choose your own
perspective, e.g., focusing on risk, scope, stakeholder analysis, or
any other perspective
related to project management. It is in
general wise to select a
few aspects, not trying to analyze everything as that
will easily become general.


the paper should contain 9 elements.

1- descriptive title.

2- Abstract summary of your paper, including your methodology, main findings and conclusions

3- introduction Focus on the problem and the background(the industrial problem in most cases), try to show the magnitude of the problem by referencing recent literature and publications.

4- methodology Describe how you have collected data, where have you collected data,from interviews to document studies to observation and experiments. Focus on transparency, how many interviews, how long, which documents have you studied etc. Be specific and transparent (in theory it should be possible to redo your study by reading the methodology chapter).

5- Theoretical background what is your theoretical framework? Which theories have you utilized and what papers and research form the foundation of knowledge on which your research builds on? (410 references may be relevant).Account for the major findings of the other researchers, in a very short format. If possible, try to highlight that academic research does not exist (i.e., there is a research gap that you aim to fill with this study.)

6- results. our main findings, what did people say? What did you find out from conducting your data collection? Present your core results as close to as they were presented as possible. Can be good to use a few quotes, or detailed observations to highlight the presentation. Try to focus on the details and try to avoid being general in your presentation (difficult but try).

7- analysis. What does it mean? Scrutinize your result and try to find patterns. What conclusions can be drawn? Reflect over the topic, findings, and related research.

8- discussion Look at your findings from a little wider perspective. Could your findings mean anything else? What are the implications of your findings? Do you have any suggestions for how to improve? What would be the impact regarding Project Management, Systems engineering? Management? Or any other significant perspective.

9- conclusion Summarize your major findings from the results, analysis, and discussion chapters. What did you find out, and why is it important? Often a bulleted list with the 3 most important results with a short outlook towards the future would do.