Compare the two versions. Share what you enjoy about each version and what the arrangement brings to the table. Maybe something lost and something else is gained.

Compare the two versions. Share what you enjoy about each version and what the arrangement brings to the table. Maybe something lost and something else is gained.

Reflect on the guitar performance.

2.) This Allemande was originally written for the harpsichord, the keyboard instrument from the Baroque era, the predecessor of the piano. Compare my guitar version to the two keyboard versions.

3.) We call them transcriptions or arrangements. Some use the word “adapted.” Bands will do “covers” of popular songs. These are all very similar in concept. Share a piece of music that you enjoy that has undergone some kind of arrangement.

Link the original piece (a YouTube link, for example.)

Link the arranged version.

Compare the two versions. Share what you enjoy about each version and what the arrangement brings to the table. Maybe something lost and something else is gained.

Answer preview Compare the two versions. Share what you enjoy about each version and what the arrangement brings to the table. Maybe something lost and something else is gained.

Compare the two versions. Share what you enjoy about each version and what the arrangement brings to the table. Maybe something lost and


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