Identify which emotions are most difficult to manage for you.

Identify which emotions are most difficult to manage for you.

This assignment is part of a youth service specialist daily reminder. It is important to attached the answers to each question please.

Step 1: Identify which emotions are most difficult to manage for you. (Remember that there are often other emotions underneath what looks like anger: sadness, shame, frustration, etc.)

Step 2: Identify what types of situations are likely to trigger the emotion (s) you identified in step one. (ie: being ignored, being asked to do more than your share, etc.)

Step 3: Identify the signs that you or those around you might notice when your emotions are becoming overwhelming. (ie: crying, pacing, fidgeting, scribbling, etc.)

Step 4: Identify 5 things that you can do to help keep yourself and those around you physically, emotionally, socially and morally safe. Some of them can/should involve other people or leaving the physical space you are in (get a hug, call a friend, make some tea/coffee, take a walk) and at least two should be things that you can do on your own and without leaving the physical space you are in. (ie: deep breathing, squeezing your hands, counting tiles on the floor, etc.)

How do you know when you are so upset that you have lost control of your feelings?

What do you do when your emotions get too intense?

What usually helps when you feel this way?

If you are honest with yourself, what are the areas where you are most in danger of losing control ( trigger points- things that make you extremely angry or upset?) Name four:

What will be your plan for coping in a safe way when you become extremely angry or upset?

Answer preview  Identify which emotions are most difficult to manage for you.

Identify which emotions are most difficult to manage for you.


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