Analyze how your consideration of published fiction has helped you identify and implement successful fiction writing techniques. 

Analyze how your consideration of published fiction has helped you identify and implement successful fiction writing techniques.

For Final Project 2, you will write a 2- to 3-page essay reflecting on your experience with analyzing the works of other successful authors and the peer review process. If your work or collection is not complete, remember to comment on your projected plotline in your reflection to show your instructor the intent. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Techniques: For this section please reveiw the discussion post and journals.

A. Analyze how your consideration of published fiction has helped you identify and implement successful fiction writing techniques.

B. Explain the specific techniques used by the authors that influenced your creative work. 

C. Explain what makes these techniques so successful for the authors and works of fiction you analyzed.

II. Peer Review Process: 

A. Explain how you implemented changes based on your own ideas and on the peer feedback you found actionable.

I included more scensory details and developed the settings better. I also made changes to ensure that the reader understands the significance of the Guardian’s mark based on feedback that I received from my peers. Other changes that I implement in my story is sharing more of the mother’s background so that the reader gets a sense of the difficulty she faces during the birth of the twins. I also stick to more action during my 3rd chapter to details the bloody truth about the vampires.

B. Determine the qualities that made the revisions you synthesized into your creative work meaningful. Provide examples to support your response. “I will provide the examples for this.”

C. Illustrate your strategy for offering feedback to your peers to help them bring their creative works to a publishable level. This can be found in the last two sections of my final for a previous course. Please view the screenshots for examples of feedback that I have provided this term.

D. Explain how your commentary on your peers’ work has helped you become more self-reflective of your own writing.

E. Describe how you made sure the feedback you provided to peers was professional. Provide specific examples to illustrate your response. Below are some examples of feedback that I provided to my peers during this course: 

Answer preview Analyze how your consideration of published fiction has helped you identify and implement successful fiction writing techniques.

Analyze how your consideration of published fiction has helped you identify and implement successful fiction writing techniques. 

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