Impress me with your searching ability and create a presentation on the Written Word.

Written Word Origins

Impress me with your searching ability and create a presentation on the Written Word. Go back as far as you can. When did writing start? How has it evolved? Where is it headed?

Many students do a great job documenting the early stages of written communication and then completely leave out the last few hundred years and where they think things are heading. Do not be one of them.

There are not going to be too many more directions or limitations on this assignment other than to say that it should be thorough and aesthetically pleasing (keep in mind that you also need to provide the additional context that you would have done while presenting to an audience. This means going beyond bullet/talking points).

Do not forget a Works Cited page/slide/clip (if you are not sure how that should look, check out the OWL page for MLA citations; both have menus to click on for whichever type of resource you are using). No matter what type of presentation you are working on, you will be using outside sources, so make sure you give proper attribution. Assignment submissions without a works cited page will not be accepted.

One final piece of advice: Remember, this is a presentation on the Written Word, not Language(s). Including information on the spoken word is not really relevant. Writing about alphabets/symbols is fine as a reference, but that is not the point here. Do not list off a bunch of different alphabets! This presentation should be more about how ideas are documented and shared in a visual format. I am more interested in the medium used to share the writing more than what language/alphabet was used on it (most innovations in writing have occurred within the last few hundred yearfsxs! Do not neglect to include them).

Answer preview Impress me with your searching ability and create a presentation on the Written Word.

Impress me with your searching ability and create a presentation on the Written Word.


484 words