Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text.

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text.

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented? Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization. must be 350 words minimum

Requirements: minimum 350   |   .doc file

Chapter 6, “Architecture and Infrastructure” pp. 143-150

Singh, M. (2018). Virtualization in Cloud Computing– a Study. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN), 64. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109/ICACCCN.2018.8748398

Verma, A., Malla, D., Choudhary, A. K., & Arora, V. (2019). A Detailed Study of Azure Platform & Its Cognitive Services. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon), 129. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109/COMITCon.2019.8862178


Answer preview  Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text.

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text.


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