How do social care workers advocate and insure that those they are caring for have the same rights as others in society

How do social care workers advocate and insure that those they are caring for have the same rights as others in society

Ethical Social Justice and Human Rights

From the perspective of a social care worker, outline a case study and highlight the specific issues/concerns/difficulties related to intellectual disability and human rights.
How do social care workers advocate and insure that those they are caring for have the same rights as others in society, while enabling them to express those rights in a fair and effective manner?
Word Count: 2000.
****Include an Introduction and Conclusion****
Things to consider:
• Violations or lack of attention to humanrights can have serious health consequences;
• Policies, procedures and programmes both organisational and state, can promote or violate human rights in the waysthey are designed or implemented;
• Vulnerability and canbe reduced by taking steps to respect, protectand fulfil human rights. The normative content of each right is fullyarticulated in human rights instruments.
• Torture: “No one shall be subjected to tortureor to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatmentor punishment. In particular, no one shall besubjected without his free consent to medicalor scientific experimentation.”
Violence against children and vulnerable adult: ”All appropriatelegislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child and vulnerable adult from allforms of physical or mental violence, injuryor abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse…” shall be taken.
• Harmful traditional practices: “Effective andappropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices” shall be taken.
• Participation: The right to “…active, free andmeaningful participation”.
• Communication: The right to express, be heard and understood, feelings, wants and needs.

Answer preview how do social care workers advocate and insure that those they are caring for have the same rights as others in society

How do social care workers advocate and insure that those they are caring for have the same rights as others in society


2507 words