Describe the key internal activities or actions that were important to Ford’s dramatic positive turnaround in performance during this five year period.

Describe the key internal activities or actions that were important to Ford’s dramatic positive turnaround in performance during this five year period.

In order to write the assignment you have to watch the video:

to find more infmoration about what to write about it and about the assignment overall see the file below.It explains everything about what you need to write about and more about the assignment overall.

In this 2011 video, Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor Company, describes the 5-year strategic plan that he
(along with his team) formulated and implemented in the company from 2006 -2011. Mr. Mulally
arrived at Ford in 2006 when the company was facing major business and financial challenges. By 2011,
the company was significantly transformed and the financial results were greatly improved.
Assignment Instructions:
1. Watch the first 28 minutes of the video (more if you wish).
2. As you watch the video, take some notes to complete the following assignment questions.
3. Write a 1-2 page, single-spaced paper, to include the following parts:
Part 1. Briefly (in as few words as possible) describe each of these elements of Ford’s 5-year plan.
 Vision (Ideal aspiration)
 Mission (What is the business? Who are the customers?)
 Goals (Measurable endpoints)
 Strategy (Broad 5-year game plan)
Part 2. Describe the key internal activities or actions that were important to Ford’s dramatic positive
turnaround in performance during this five year period.
Part 3. Describe Mr. Mulally’s knowledge, skills and other characteristics that you think were
particularly important to his success as a general manager during this time?

Answer preview Describe the key internal activities or actions that were important to Ford’s dramatic positive turnaround in performance during this five year period.

Describe the key internal activities or actions that were important to Ford’s dramatic positive turnaround in performance during


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