Write a 2 page, double spaced report one policy of President Trump’s that you agree with and why

Write a 2 page, double spaced report one policy of President Trump’s that you agree with and why

Write a 2 page, double spaced report one policy of President Trump’s that you agree with and why, and one policy of Trump’s that you disagree with and why. Information about Trump’s policies can be found here: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/


1. When writing this paper, roughly one page should be designated to briefly explaining a Trump policy that you agree with and why. Additionally, roughly one page should be designated to briefly explaining a Trump policy that you disagree with and why.

2. When using this site provided above, I don’t want you to tell me if the promise he made was good or bad. Rather, I want you to tell me if the policy passed was good or bad. For example, promises he kept means he created an actual policy that you can agree or disagree with. In addition, promises he broke also equate to an actual policy that you can agree or disagree with (he can’t break a promise if he didn’t pass a policy to do so in the first place). Finally, compromises also equate to creating actual policy that you can agree or disagree with.

3. For any information you use, I expect you to cite your source and to provide a works cited list of where you obtained this information. Consider this good practice for when you write your research paper.

PAPER SPECSoLength: Atleast 2 full pages of substantive content from beginning of introduction to the end of the conclusion.oFont: 12 point, Times New Roman only.oSpacing: Double spaced, 1 inch margins.oCiting Sources: Provide a full source citation from where you obtain your evidence from. For more information on this, see the OWL Purdue website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/02/Its

Answer preview Write a 2 page, double spaced report one policy of President Trump’s that you agree with and why

Write a 2 page, double spaced report one policy of President Trump’s that you agree with and why


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