Develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements

Develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements

Before training is determined or designed, a training needs analysis should be considered to develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements such as what needs to be trained, who needs to be trained, where is the training location, and how the training will be measured. Unless a needs assessment is adequately performed it may be difficult to rationally justify providing training. A needs assessment will enable management to determine if training is the best solution for the performance problem or development need. A needs assessment can be a critical tool for any training department. The learner and the organizational needs will be considered during this process. The objectives will be relevant and the outcomes measurable.

Word count: Use Bullet Points – MAX 500 words entire assessment

Use the Needs Assessment Template to create a needs assessment for a company you are familiar with. Identify a training issue and prepare the template by responding to the questions as outlined.

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Click on the Assignment Files tab to submit your assessment.

Answer preview Develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements

Develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements


665 words