Why do we say that tourism places are “places to play and places in play? Build on and use your example to illustrate your point

Why do we say that tourism places are “places to play and places in play? Build on and use your example to illustrate your point

Select a cultural tourism model. Find an example of that tourism model in San Diego or, if you prefer, anywhere in the world where you have travelled to or plan to travel to.

Respond to the following question:

Question: Why do we say that tourism places are “places to play and places in play? Build on and use your example to illustrate your point.

When responding:

Select a representative passage from one of the readings/media/news to start your paper.

Use the readings and media that we have used so far. Reference them in your paper.

Do not look for outside sources, I want your voice!

Extension: 1500 words, maximum! Times New Roman 12p. Space 1.5 (references included)

please remember first answer the question and give the example.

here is the news: News: “The Grand Tour. Europe on fifteen hundred youan a day”. The New Yorker

2011 at http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/04/18/the-g…

Answer preview Why do we say that tourism places are “places to play and places in play? Build on and use your example to illustrate your point

Why do we say that tourism places are “places to play and places in play? Build on and use your example to illustrate your point


1498 words