The US cyber policy is getting a significant amount of attention from the DOD.

The US cyber policy is getting a significant amount of attention from the DOD.

The US cyber policy is getting a significant amount of attention from the DOD. Since 9/11, the President has created a significant number of presidential directives like PPD-21 and NSPD-54; these directives are the Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience and Surveillance through monitoring respectively. These along with the DHS’s National Infrastructure Protection Plan have led the US’s development of organizations like National Mission Force and Cyber Mission Force under the USCYBERCOM. (DOD, 2015) The positives of the US cyber policy is the development of Sector Specific Agents under the NIPP. This allows for the diversification of responsibility and limits the scope of responsibility to each organization. An additional benefit is the communication policy that is established allows for the different levels of organization to communicate effectively whether at the national, state, or local level and government and non-government entities alike. The short comings in the US cyber policy would be the fact that most actions to this point have been reactive to incidents like North Korea’s attack on Sony or China’s attack on the SEC and private military contractors. These incidents should not be the defining features that lead to improvement of the US cybersecurity, but should be thwarted by proactive cyber policy. (DOD, 2015)

Answer preview The US cyber policy is getting a significant amount of attention from the DOD.

The US cyber policy is getting a significant amount of attention from the DOD.


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