What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents

What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents

This assignment is straight forward on the directions. Make sure you do not plagiarize and cite your source. Only paying for good quality writing.

Over the next several weeks, you will be developing an analysis of a debatable claim. You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk.

In a two- to three-page summary, address the following questions.


What is the topic of the TED Talk?

What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents?

What is the purpose of TED Talk? What does the speaker want the audience to do with the information they are presented with?

Rhetorical Situations

Who is the target audience for the TED Talk? Why does this matter?

What is the context of the TED Talk? What historical or current event information does the audience need to understand the argument?

What rhetorical appeals (reason, emotion, credibility) does the speaker use to help strengthen the argument?


What types of evidence are used?

Does the evidence seem credible? Why or why not?

What additional information do you want to know about the topic?


How does the speaker introduce the topic? Is it compelling?

How does the speaker conclude the talk? What methods does the speaker use to finalize the talk?

Answer preview What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents

What is the angle or argument that the speaker presents


624 words