Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology

Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology

Week 2: Dialogue

Please respond the following assignment in the Dialogue area of Blackboard:

Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology, especially in the areas of security and ethics, is important for a CEO. Support your post with at least two peer-reviewed scholarly journal references.

In addition, describe the role of ethics in technology from a biblical worldview. Show scriptural support for your claims where appropriate.

Reply to two students and use your research to add to or challenge the findings of your peers. Support your responses with at least one peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference.

200-300 words in APA format with correct citing and references.

Above is the original post question that way you have an idea of what it’s about. Below is one of my classmates post that I need to respond to:

Technology is definitely beneficial to our society. Technology has improved the quality of life and this is why organizations seek to find new technology. Due to technology, assigned work now reaches many employees instantaneously regardless of the location of the employees, and whether they are on leave or at home on weekends. Their privacy is compromised since they can no longer have the seclusion of their cars or their homes to themselves. This leads to an increased need for a revolving focus on ethics and security (Ogunyemi, 2014). Understanding technology, especially in the areas of security and ethics is critical for the CEO of a company. First it is important because it is key to the successes of the company. It is also important to note that the CEO understands and explains to other employees that there is a difference between what is ethical and what is legal. As technology improves, unfortunately so has the number of hackers, viruses, misuse of information by employee, and unethical behaviors. The CEO must take the necessary steps to provide customers with a solid foundation of ethics and security of personal data. I personally believe that the CEO must make sure the company measures performance in a fair and consistent manner, which helps tremendously with unethical behavior. I believe this because this is usually where employees engage is warfare in doing the wrong thing versus the right thing. Maheshwari and Ganesh says, “The recent thrust on high output-driven performance and reward linkages in organizations is driving towards short-term interests. It might adversely affect the adherence to ethical norms in organizations. In order, to ensure ethical business practices in an organization it is important to have ethical orientation among the people who own, manage, and work for it” (Maheshwari and Ganesh, 2006). In the same way we use ethics to guide our personal lives we must do the same with technology. Colossians 3:17 reminds us, “And whatever you do, in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through him” (Colossians 3:17, NLT), We are also reminded in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect” (Romans 122, NLT).

Maheshwari, S. K. and Ganesh, M. P. (2006). Ethics in Organizations. Vikalpa, 31(2). Retrieved October 31, 2017, from…

Ogunyemi, K. (2014). New Techonology and Ethical Human Resource Managment, 10(2). Retrieved November 01, 2017, from

Holy Bible: New Living Translation. (2013). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House.

Answer preview  Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology

Post a message that explains and discusses why understanding technology


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