Club Marketing and Club Technology research paper

Club Marketing and Club Technology research paper

Club Marketing and Club Technology research paper

People typically join a private club so that they can meet, socialize, and develop friendships and associations with individuals of similar backgrounds, interests, and pursuits. There is often a selection process involved in becoming a member of a private club, especially in those clubs that have a waiting list for membership.

However, many private clubs today find themselves in a new predicament: they must actively seek additional members. This has caused many private clubs to implement a membership marketing plan, something practically unheard of in the prestigious halls of private clubs prior to 1980.

The research paper should be at least 10 pages; not including, cover, works cite, or appendices pages. Support the claims in your paper by citing at least (6) six credible sources. These sources can include articles, periodicals and videos that are posted in the course. Your paper should include in-text citations and a list of references, formatted according to MLA or APA guidelines.

The use of visual enhancements is encouraged; numerical data, figures, graphs, tables, pictures and links to videos may be helpful in explain your topic.

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Club Marketing and Club Technology research paper APA

3419 words