Write an Essay considering two competing companies

Write an Essay considering two competing companies

Write an Essay considering two competing companies; Alibaba and eBay. You are expected to conduct a research about the two subject companies including any published articles comparing them. Your research should enable you to answer the two following questions:

Conduct a SWOT analysis for both Alibaba and eBay. What do you conclude from this analysis? (4%)

Analyze and Evaluate the two companies to learn which company has better global competitive advantage using Barney’s (1991) resource-based view (VRIN)? (6%)

General guide lines:

Each student will work in the group agreed upon last class.

This assignment for both sections is to be submitted on Monday (19th-Nov-2018) to Mr. Mark Anthony (S71) before 15:45.

The assignment is preferably computer typed and submitted as a hard copy. Thus, spelling mistakes are not acceptable.

Write all your group details (Names, IDs, section…etc) on the cover page.

Make sure to apply what was explained in class in terms writing style using Booth et al.’s (2000) view to construct your answers/arguments.

You are allowed to build on other authors’ critique as long as you cite them.

Make sure to reference your research as I will not tolerate plagiarism.

Refer to the power point slides and the journal posted on blackboard which explains Barney’s (1991) RBV (VRIN).


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Write an Essay considering two competing companies


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