What happened with Obama’s nominee, Merrick garland, to the Supreme Court

What happened with Obama’s nominee, Merrick garland, to the Supreme Court

Below are two links that may help you, as well as the link to the podcast you listened to. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences, with thoughtful and detailed answers:

Podcast: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/podcasts/the-da… Questions will come from here.

Other links: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/03/us/politics/fil… https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/03/us/politics/sen…


6. What happened with Obama’s nominee, Merrick garland, to the Supreme Court?

9. What is the process for implementing the “nuclear option”?

2. How did filibusters change?

11. What was Mitch McConnell’s argument about Obama’s nominee? What did he do that was hypocritical?

3. How does a filibuster change the math in the senate?

4. What does Mike Pence do?

Answer preview What happened with Obama’s nominee, Merrick garland, to the Supreme Court

What happened with Obama's nominee, Merrick garland, to the Supreme Court


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