Were you aware of the problems GLBTQ youth face in the school environment prior to this module

Were you aware of the problems GLBTQ youth face in the school environment prior to this module

Part 2

In review of module 3, the Teen Suicide GLBTQ ppt, GLSEN report and video clips and readings, discuss with your classmates the following questions.

Were you aware of the problems GLBTQ youth face in the school environment prior to this module? Yes or No? Please explain.

What would you do if a student was being ridiculed, or physically abused for being gay? What steps would you take?

What steps can you take to ensure a positive classroom environment where all students feel safe?

Please write 4 paragraphs in APA Format

Answer preview Were you aware of the problems GLBTQ youth face in the school environment prior to this module

Were you aware of the problems GLBTQ youth face in the school environment prior to this module

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