Briefly explain how STI protection was geared toward men and not women

Briefly explain how STI protection was geared toward men and not women

Briefly explain how STI protection was geared toward men and not women, and the outcomes.

Do the videos adequately explain the impact of STIs for women?

What needs to be done differently to reduce STI occurrences?

Explain which STIs are notifiable and why other STIs are underreported.

Evaluate the current strategies to prevent HIV/AIDS in women and it’s effectiveness.

What needs to change in Public Health education to address HIV prevention in women?

Expand on the information in the videos by adding information from another article, youtube, or a personal anecdote.

Videos for reference:

Answer preview  Briefly explain how STI protection was geared toward men and not women

Briefly explain how STI protection was geared toward men and not women

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