Post one example of a decision bias/error or one common shortcut (other than stereotyping) in judging others that you have used at work

Post one example of a decision bias/error or one common shortcut (other than stereotyping) in judging others that you have used at work

Post one example of a decision bias/error or one common shortcut (other than stereotyping) in judging others that you have used at work (or that a family member or someone you work with has used).

Post one example of how you (or someone you know) has made a judgment about others at work or outside of work. Include in this post how attribution theory (which could include aspects of the theory or fundamental attribution error) could be applied to how they made their judgment.


Answer preview  Post one example of a decision bias/error or one common shortcut (other than stereotyping) in judging others that you have used at work

Post one example of a decision bias/error or one common shortcut (other than stereotyping) in judging others that you have used at work


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