The Obama administration recently ended twenty years of government-funded abstinence education

The Obama administration recently ended twenty years of government-funded abstinence education

The Project is made up of five parts. The end result is an eight- to nine-page written paper about your selected topic. Topic choices are (select one):

The Obama administration recently ended twenty years of government-funded abstinence education; however, cultural taboos continue regarding sex and young people—even talking about sex with young people. How might these be reconciled?

Conformity to gender norms that place aggression at the heart of idealized masculinity is viewed as a root cause of violence. In fact, violence against women remains a huge problem, the murder of gender-nonconforming people of color has been skyrocketing, and over 90 percent of school shootings are done by white males. Examine gender roles, gender conformity, and their link to the perpetration of violence. What are potential remedies?

Examine current trends in the sociological literature that speak to urban poverty. Why do some cities seem to be thriving while others seem to be in collapse? How are the urban poor making out? Why? And what can be done in response?

The United States has a long and tragic history of racism that continues to hold strong today. Discuss the status of contemporary racism. Using this current state as a lens, examine the Black Lives Matter movement and other recent efforts to combat the various manifestations of racism. Does color-blind racism, for example, help to explain the difficulties experienced on many college campuses when attempting to have productive conversations and debates about racism?

What is next for the LGBT movement? Did the gay-marriage win shift the movement in a good direction? Or has what is referred to as the “mainstreaming of the movement” taken us far away from the transformative vision of the early gay rights movement? What are the pros and cons of this?

Discuss the phenomenon of global warming denial and its impact on the general public, environmental activism, and policymaking. Can we sustain the discrepancy between those who deny it and the existence of solid evidence of global warming’s validity?

Examine the dominant ideologies that characterize contemporary U.S. society: individualism, competition, and so forth. Use these ideologies as a lens through which you explore the deep anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment in this country.

In recent years, prominent politicians and others have called for an end to the War on Drugs. Some say that the War on Drugs has, in fact, ended. What is the status of the anti-drug efforts of our federal government? Taking into account current social, political, and economic trends, consider whether the War on Drugs should be over and, if so, what should follow?

Is STEM education a useful strategy for combatting or remedying educational inequality? Why? Why not? How does (or can) STEM education respond to inequality in the workplace?

Link sociological theory with a contemporary social problem. Consider current or recent social movements across the globe. Select one to examine using the main ideas of three of the most influential of the early sociological thinkers: Weber, Marx, and Durkheim.

Your paper’s focus must include all of the following areas:
1. Introduction (statement of the problem)
2. Literature review
3. Background information/history
4. Global perspective
5. Future implications
6. Conclusion
7. References


Discuss sociology, its origins, and the concept of adopting sociological and global perspectives when observing society.

Specify the key elements of science that are applied by sociologists to the scientific study of social groups and society, defining the key scientific terms and describing how they are used in sociology.

Explain the sociological meaning of the concept of culture and its components, providing examples of each.

Identify the characteristics of social structure and explore the relationship between social structure and individuality.

Discuss basic concepts relating to the social institutions of kinship, family, and marriage on both the local and global levels.

Explain the four (4) basic principles and different systems of social stratification.

Explain the role that gender plays in socialization in the family, the peer group, schooling, and the mass media.

Distinguish between race and ethnicity, and describe racism and prejudice, identifying the three (3) perspectives theories of the latter.

Explain the basic components used by demographers to study populations and describe demographic changes in the United States throughout its history, using the perspectives of Ferdinand Tönnies, Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Robert Park, and Louis Wirth on urbanization as a way of life.

Describe the four general characteristics of social change, discuss the different sources of social change, and compare the perspectives on social change as offered by Ferdinand Tönnies, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx.


Develop the following information:

Topic Choice: List your project topic choice.



Develop the following information:

Topic Choice: List your project topic choice.

2 days ago

They asking also for this and it has to be 8 to 9 pgs.

You will gather scholarly resources to support your part of the overall paper.

You must include at least 7 resources that were published in the last five years.

Use Concorde’s Online Library, Gale Library, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to conduct your research.

Your references must be formatted in current APA style.

Answer preview The Obama administration recently ended twenty years of government-funded abstinence education

The Obama administration recently ended twenty years of government-funded abstinence education


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