Find an ad on YouTube, social media, or in print.

Find an ad on YouTube, social media, or in print.

Find an ad on YouTube, social media, or in print.

Provide me with the link (if video) or image/screenshot/scan (if print).

Answer these questions:

1. Who is the organization?

2. What product/service/idea is the ad promoting?

3. What visuals does the ad use? Be specific (e.g. layout/staging, copywrite, artwork, story etc.). Why do you think the marketer used these visuals? What feeling did you get from the visuals?

4. What aspect of consumer behavior is the ad trying to trigger? Be specific, use what you learned in the Consumer Behavior module.

5. What market segment is the ad targeting (who is the target market)? What specifically is the ad doing to attract the target market?

6. What need(s) is the ad addressing? What benefit and value is the ad promoting?

Answer preview Find an ad on YouTube, social media, or in print.

Find an ad on YouTube social media or in print.
300 words