Select ONE interactive social media or e-commerce system that you use in your everyday life.

Select ONE interactive social media or e-commerce system that you use in your everyday life.

Abstract/ description should be posted for review by Monday. Oct 15 by noon.

Consider the topics covered in the text up to which are following documents and I posted in class notes which may help you– on the Procedural property of the digital medium as written about in the Murray text as well those topics on the HCI definition of affordance presented by Norman.

Select ONE interactive social media or e-commerce system that you use in your everyday life. A multiplayer and socially engaging game that is designed acceptable. You may select an app or an interactive web based service. (Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Twitter are excluded!)

Analyze the system from the point of view of the procedural properties. You should answer, these kinds of questions:

What does the system do? What agency does the system provide for the user?

 Function: How will a specific user actually complete task and actions using the

J Describe the affordances

 Context: What are the social and cultural customs, relationships, institutions that the product reflect? Or subvert?

 Core: What deeper enduring human activities and values does the product serve

Answer preview Select ONE interactive social media or e-commerce system that you use in your everyday life.

Select ONE interactive social media or e-commerce system that you use in your everyday life.


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