respond in 5 to 7 sentences to the statement below and opinion on social media and the workplace.

respond in 5 to 7 sentences to the statement below and opinion on social media and the workplace.

respond in 5 to 7 sentences to the statement below and opinion on social media and the workplace.
Social media plays a big part in our lives because it is the norm for people to socialize with others. So, it is normal for any company to take full advantage of this because of advertisement. This of course can cause issues at the work place because an employee can make unpleasant remarks and inappropriate discussions about their work environment such as coworkers, employers, suppliers, vendors, and customers. That is why many companies are putting certain policies in place to protect them and others for whom they may employee or do business with. This however has caused issues with the legal system because in the National Labor Relations Act, Section 7 —provides for the right of employees to participate in ‘self-organization.” including is the right of all employees union and nonunion alike-to “engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or mutual aid or protection.” So you can see this issue of using social media can cause problems on so many levels because point blank you do not want to put all of your personal business out there (Pike (2014). References: Pike, G. H. (2014, 11). Social media and the workplace. Information Today, 31, 1-1,25. Retrieved from

Answer preview respond in 5 to 7 sentences to the statement below and opinion on social media and the workplace.

respond in 5 to 7 sentences to the statement below and opinion on social media and the workplace.


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