Accurately describe what PCI is and why it is important to a small business.

Accurately describe what PCI is and why it is important to a small business.

Resources: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

You are helping your father who has a private retail pharmacy in a small rural town. He accepts credit cards and holds customer information on a small database server. He is wondering if he should be concerned about PCI compliance, as well as HIPAA, and has asked you for a summary so he can decide if he wants to hire an outside consultant to help him comply with government regulations.

Write a 2- to 3-page summary in Microsoft® Word of the important aspect of PCI and HIPAA regulations to help him make his decision. Include the following:

Accurately describe what PCI is and why it is important to a small business.

Explain why a small business needs to comply with PCI. Provide at least two reasons.

Outline the ramifications of non-compliance to a small business giving two examples.

Concisely describe who is covered under HIPAA.

List what information is protected under HIPAA.

Enumerate the administrative requirements under HIPAA.

Cite all sources using APA guidelines.

 Answer preview Accurately describe what PCI is and why it is important to a small business.

Accurately describe what PCI is and why it is important to a small business.
765 words