Ask a young adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases

Ask a young adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases

Discussion 6

Warning some of these questions are rather explicit.

1. Ask a young adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases? At what age do you think sexual interest ceases? What is the main reason or reasons for the ceasing of sexual activity? Should corrective action(s) be taken, if so, what are possible solutions?

2. Ask a middle age adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases? At what age do you think sexual interest ceases? What is the main reason or reasons for the ceasing of sexual activity? Should corrective action(s) be taken, if so, what are possible solutions?

3. Ask an older adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases? At what age do you think sexual interest ceases? What is the main reason or reasons for the ceasing of sexual activity? Should corrective action(s) be taken, if so, what are possible solutions?

4. Ask an elderly adult their age and then: At what age do you think sexual activity ceases? At what age do you think sexual interest ceases? What is the main reason or reasons for the ceasing of sexual activity? Should corrective action(s) be taken, if so, what are possible solutions?

Assignment 2

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Ask a young adult their age and then At what age do you think sexual activity ceases


1171 words