Should sex offenders have to register when released from prison

Should sex offenders have to register when released from prison

Should sex offenders have to register when released from prison?

must be in APA format

must have APA in text citations and a reference page

must include the following components(in APA format) Note: the project is a paper and should look like a paper not an outline.

* cover page


* introduction (which includes the following areas ** remember not in outline form)

* motivation for research(this is a paragraph)

* research question/ overview (this is a paragraph)

* thesis statement (this is a paragraph)

* literature review

* analysis approach or methods section

*Results section

* discussion section (or you may do a combined results/discussion section)

* conclusion and future recommendations( which includes the following areas** remember not in outline form)

* summary( this is a paragraph)

* major findings( this is a paragraph)

* important implications( this is a paragraph)

* future work needed( this is a paragraph)

* reference page

* appendix (this is its own page)

*research proposal(this is its own page)

* annotated bibliography(this is its own page)

* outline( this is its own page)

* interview questions/ results ( this is its own page)

*survey questions/ results ( this is its own page)

Answer preview Should sex offenders have to register when released from prison

Should sex offenders have to register when released from prison


3572 words