Describe your own process of identity formation using Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development as a framework.

Describe your own process of identity formation using Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development as a framework.

Self-Ethnography Research Analysis – Draft Instructions

In a 4–6-page paper in current APA style, you will develop a comprehensive narrative analysis of your life from conception to early childhood (mentioning parents, caregivers, and siblings, as applicable). You will ask family members and/or friends for their perspectives. The goal of this analysis is to help you understand your story from a life course perspective, practice integrating theory with an actual family, understand how your environment influences psycho-social development, and gain greater self-understanding. As references, you will use the textbook as well as interviews with significant people in your life. Use the outline below as a guide in writing your paper.

Introduction and Current Context

Social and Environmental Influences

Describe how conflict was managed within the marriage and family.

Describe the racial/ethnic/cultural/socioeconomic background of the family and its influences in shaping life experiences.

Life Course and Theory Application from Conception to Early Childhood

Describe your own process of identity formation using Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development as a framework.

Describe your own process of moral reasoning using Kohlberg’s theory as a framework.

Discuss your personal spiritual growth from childhood to present using Fowler’s Theory of Faith and Development as a framework.

Describe your event history and the impact it has/had on your life. Specifically address life events, turning points, transitions, and trajectories in your life description.

Answer preview Describe your own process of identity formation using Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development as a framework.

Describe your own process of identity formation using Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development as a framework.


1830 words