In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from a terrorist incident.

In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from a terrorist incident.

In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from a terrorist incident. The two parts in this assignment will work as the foundation for the Unit VII Course Project.

Part 1: Project Topic

Select the critical infrastructure for which you will develop your plan; you can use the same critical infrastructure that you used for your Unit II Project, or you can select a different critical infrastructure that is briefed on the webpage below:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Critical infrastructure sectors. Retrieved from

After selecting a critical infrastructure, develop a brief essay that meets the criteria below:

Provide the background on the selected critical infrastructure/target. Please describe the infrastructure in your own words; do not copy the description from the webpage.

Provide examples of potential targets (e.g., a power supply plant, water resources, a military base, a shopping mall, a full stadium during an event, government buildings, an airport, a city center).

Briefly explain why the location is vulnerable to an attack.

Discuss what type of terrorist event will hypothetically take place at the critical infrastructure. You can select any type of terrorist event that has been discussed in this course. Some examples include chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) events. If you select a chemical or biological agent, be specific, and name the agent that the terrorist(s) will use in the hypothetical scenario.

Identify the federal, state, and local agencies that will be activated in response to your incident, and briefly summarize their roles and responsibilities in terrorism planning and preparedness.

Identify the homeland security programs that should be involved in planning the response to the incident.

Answer preview In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from a terrorist incident.

In Unit VII, you will develop your final presentation, which will be focused on the protection of a selected critical infrastructure from


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