How do you think these suggestions could influence work behavior

How do you think these suggestions could influence work behavior

Visit websites such as: and…

Here you will find various ideas on how to use and implement various reward and incentive systems. Find various tips and programs currently being used by organizations. Also, search under “pay for performance” to see other developments of this type of reward system.

1. From information you gained from the Web sites, how do you think these suggestions could influence work behavior? Which ones do you think will work better than others? Why?

2. Using the LIRN database to go to specific companies, what other types of reward systems can you find? Give the specifics and critique their value to improving performance in the workplace.

Please write a 8-10 page report in APA format with 8 peer reviewed sources.


Outline can be like this :


This section will give a brief introduction about the reward and incentive system. It will include definition and some background on how reward and incentive system is developed and managed in organizations around the world.

II. Types of incentives and reward system

a. Difference between reward system and incentive

There is a difference between reward and incentive. This section of the paper will help us identify/ classify reward and incentive, some basic differentiation between the two.

III. Types

a. Types of reward system:

i. Intrinsic vs Extrinsic;

ii. Financial vs Non-financial

iii. Performance vs membership-based reward

b. Types of incentive plans

i. Cash Bonus

ii. Profit Sharing

iii. Stock based incentive

c. Benefits of rewards & incentive plan

d. Factors influencing the reward system

There are many ways to classify rewards & incentives. This section will deep dive into different types of reward and incentive plans that companies around the world use to motivate and retain talent. This section will also include the factors that influence the reward system.

IV. Impact of incentive and reward system on work behavior

Depending upon the need of an individual, the incentive and reward system works differently. This portion will also touch upon Marlow’s hierarchy needs and how the rewards or incentive motivate employees or impact their work performance.

V. Companies and the use of incentive and reward system

a. Specific example – A company example

This section will cover the reward and incentive plan offered to this specific company’s employees.

VI. Conclusion

Answer preview How do you think these suggestions could influence work behavior

How do you think these suggestions could influence work behavior

2870 words