Research and write about a specific, past or present, instance of mass behavior of the type studied in this course employing psychoanalytic concepts 

Research and write about a specific, past or present, instance of mass behavior of the type studied in this course employing psychoanalytic concepts

A Hysteria of Modern Times: Electromagnetic Sensitivity

Electromagnetic Sensitivity, also known as microwave sickness or a wifi allergy, is a claimed sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic sensitivity has no scientific backing and is not recognised as a medical condition. Those suffering from Electromagnetic Sensitivity….

Essay Topic: Research and write about a specific, past or present, instance of mass behavior of the type studied in this course (mobs. manias, mass illusions or delusions, hysterical epidemics or mass hysteria) employing psychoanalytic concepts in order to move beyond the manifest toward the latent motives and mechanisms involved.

1. Remember you are writing, not for the instructor, but for the intelligent lay person who has not taken this course.

Answer preview Research and write about a specific, past or present, instance of mass behavior of the type studied in this course employing psychoanalytic concepts

Research and write about a specific past or present instance of mass behavior of the type studied in this course employing psychoanalytic


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