The ME108 Research Assignment is an investigation into a sustainability/environmental issue facing society today.

The ME108 Research Assignment is an investigation into a sustainability/environmental issue facing society today.

The ME108 Research Assignment is an investigation into a sustainability/environmental issue facing society today. You submitted & chose your topic of research just after watching the movie “Bag It”. Nowyou will perform the actual investigation, research, and reporting of your problem or issue using technical journals, magazines, news periodicals, on-line journals, etc. This is a great opportunity to utilize the CSUS Library resources available to you at your fingertips. If you need help accessing the thousands of journals and extensive information, you can visit our Reference Librarian on the third floor of the library. She can show you the process used to access all of the resources using your SacLink credentials. You will submit your research in the form of a well-written Research Report. Your report should include the following components:

Answer preview The ME108 Research Assignment is an investigation into a sustainability/environmental issue facing society today.

The ME108 Research Assignment is an investigation into a sustainability/environmental issue facing society today.


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