Prepare brief answers to the following journalistic questions and submit to the professor for approval. Keep in mind that you can choose different questions but please use the journalistic approach

Prepare brief answers to the following journalistic questions and submit to the professor for approval. Keep in mind that you can choose different questions but please use the journalistic approach

Describe your topic and answer the questions below:

1. Prepare brief answers to the following journalistic questions and submit to the professor for approval. Keep in mind that you can choose different questions but please use the journalistic approach (Who, What, When, Where, How)

a)Describe the topic in a complete paragraph.

b)Why have I chosen this topic
c)What do I expect to learn as a result of completing this research?
d)How will I use the information that I learn as a result of completing this research?
e)Who will be impacted as a result of my new knowledge?
f)When will I be able to share my new knowledge with others?

Answer preview Prepare brief answers to the following journalistic questions and submit to the professor for approval. Keep in mind that you can choose different questions but please use the journalistic approach

Prepare brief answers to the following journalistic questions and submit to the professor for approval. Keep in mind that you can choose


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