What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia

What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia

Write 5 paragraphs, each one responding each point from 1 to 5. Please review links before responding (these links can be the unique bibliography for the answers)

Thank you!






Respond in writing to the following questions after exploring the sites above and watching the video.

What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia? How might this view point affect one’s perception of nature? Of self? How does this approach to life differ from monotheism?

Would you agree with this statement from the BhagavadGita – “Thinking about sense-objects will attach you to sense-objects.” How might such an anti-materialistic position affect one’s life? The culture at large?





Respond in writing to the following question after exploring the internet sites above.

Cave Paintings in Lascaux

Among the earliest known art, cave paintings such as those found in Lascaux, France, offer us ancient evidence of human creativity. Find out more about the Lascaux cave paintings and interpretations of them.

Which interpretations of the Lascaux cave paintings do you regard as the most convincing? Explain why.





An eminent historian (Gerda Lerner) claims that “class [in ancient society] was constructed out of gender relations which advantaged men.”

Respond in writing to the following questions after exploring the internet sites above.

Is this (the opening statement about class) evident in Hammurabi’s Code? What does Hammurabi’s Code tell us about women in ancient Babylon?

How did the political and social roles of women in Egypt differ from those of other ancient societies?

To what extent does Lerner’s generalization from above apply for our own day and age?









From the beginning of urban society in Mesopotamia and Egypt, architects struggled to build monumental structures out of the materials at hand—stone and clay. They built temples, palaces, and tombs that awed their contemporaries and dazzled successors.


Respond in writing to the following questions after exploring the internet sites above.

What are some of the commonalities among the structures discussed in Chapter 1? What are some differences? What do the structures reflect about the cultures?

Discuss the impact of the Egyptian cult of death on the visual art that survives.

QUESTION 5) (Here I don’t have links)

Which three landmarks do you believe are most representative of the key idea in this chapter, “origins”?

In what ways does each of these landmarks reflect a beginning point in the history of culture?

You can discuss landmarks from literature, architecture, law, or the visual arts.

Landmarks in Humanities. Origins: The First Civilizations.

Prehistory (Paleolithic Culture, Cave Painting, Mesolithic, Neolithic Cultures)

Mesopotamia (Land Between the Rivers, Ziggurats, Gilgamesh, Babylon, the Persian Empire)

Africa: Ancient Egypt (polytheistic civilization, theocracy and the cult of the dead, akhenaten’s reform, Egyptian Women, Egyptian art, New Kingdom Temples)

Africa: Western Sudan (The Nok Terracottas)

The Americas (Olmec, Caral)

Beyond the West: Ancient India (The Vedic Era, Hindu Pantheism)

Beyond the West: Ancient China (Shang Dynasty, The Aristocracy of Merit)

Answer preview What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia

What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient MesopotamiaAPA

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