Periodically Royal Oman Police issue a static of the violations accrued in the roads. Utilize your skills to provide 3 innovative solutions to the problem.

Periodically Royal Oman Police issue a static of the violations accrued in the roads. Utilize your skills to provide 3 innovative solutions to the problem.

TASK: Traffic Violation in Oman.

Periodically Royal Oman Police issue a static of the violations accrued in the roads. Many drivers are not complying with the Road and Safety Regulations, although ROP had placed many warning signs or distribute it among people, and that leads to unfortunate consequences.

Utilize your skills to provide 3 innovative solutions to the problem.

Answer preview Periodically Royal Oman Police issue a static of the violations accrued in the roads. Utilize your skills to provide 3 innovative solutions to the problem.

Periodically Royal Oman Police issue a static of the violations accrued in the roads. Utilize your skills to provide 3 innovative solutions to the problem.


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