Take a favorite example from the readings and provide personal thoughts or applications

Take a favorite example from the readings and provide personal thoughts or applications

Take a favorite example from the readings and provide personal thoughts or applications

Find an article in current events which relates to the session’s topic and write about it, drawing from the week’s readings to give added insight

Discuss how one or more of the readings/authors dealt with a particular topic

Take an example from the reading and apply the principles to an Information Science job that you currently hold, or hope to hold in the future

Take a quote from the readings which is a point of debate, and discuss all sides

Photographs, comics, YouTube clips, or even sound clips might contribute to your discussions. Creative Commons Search is a great resource for this.

This short paper should be at least 250 words.

Answer preview  Take a favorite example from the readings and provide personal thoughts or applications

Take a favorite example from the readings and provide personal thoughts or applications


376 words