Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama,” and on the documentary 13th

Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama,” and on the documentary 13th

Focus on week 8 lectures, on Sussman’s “Modern Racism and Anti-Immigration Policies,” on Daniels’s “White Supremacist Social Movements Online and in a Global Context,” on López’s “Post-Racial Racism. Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama,” and on the documentary 13th. Provide an analysis on the role of systemic racism in maintaining and reaffirming institutional racism.

Answer preview Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama,” and on the documentary 13th

Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama,” and on the documentary 13th


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