Determine the state of race relations, nature of racism, and the role of African American athletes in the struggle for racial equality in America

Determine the state of race relations, nature of racism, and the role of African American athletes in the struggle for racial equality in America

Using race and sport as your analytical lens, determine the state of race relations, nature of racism, and the role of African American athletes in the struggle for racial equality in America since the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City.

1500 words,

Your essays should have a clear thesis, be supported by specific evidence, and be well organized. You should draw on lectures, discussion, film, and assigned readings; however, you must properly cite your sources. The extra-credit essay will be graded according to the following standards: 1)the logical design, persuasiveness, and sophistication of your argument; 2) your ability to support general statements with specific examples or evidence and; 3) the organizational structure of your essay and clarity of your writing.


Patrick B. Miller and David K. Wiggins, Sport and the Color Line: Black Athletes and Race Relations in Twentieth-Century America (Routledge: New York 2004).

Answer preview Determine the state of race relations, nature of racism, and the role of African American athletes in the struggle for racial equality in AmericaDetermine the state of race relations nature of racism and the role of African American athletes in the struggle for racial equality in America



1685 words