Compare caste to your understanding of race, racism, or other related forms of difference in a society you know well.

Compare caste to your understanding of race, racism, or other related forms of difference in a society you know well.

Answer just this one question in a short essay of about 500 words (more if you like). Make sure to have an argument, and provide citations to the readings. This question is more interpretive than factual, but do involve one of the course readings in your answer:

At this point, you have gained some knowledge about how caste works in India and South Asia. Drawing on at least one of the readings from this week, compare caste to your understanding of race, racism, or other related forms of difference in a society you know well.

reading material: sharable link on Google Doc…

Everyday life in South Asia, second edition

some class notes:


caste is almost a genetic idea — it is something that is passed down from generation to generation automatically. Automatically hereditary Every aspect, education, the economic class may be very different from that of his or her parents.



Classes depend mainly on economic differences between groupings of individuals—inequalities in possession and control of material resources—

caste system non-economic factors such as the influence of religion

The caste into which one is born determines one’s occupation.

Answer preview Compare caste to your understanding of race, racism, or other related forms of difference in a society you know well.

Compare caste to your understanding of race racism or other related forms of difference in a society you know well.
710 words