How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication

How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication

Spend a couple of hours browsing through newsweeklies. Some suggest magazines (but not limited to):

New Yorker


Utne Reader



The New Republic

Suggested newspapers:

Daily News-Record

New York Times

Washington Post

New York Review of Books

Mennonite Weekly Review

Pick an article and write a response, no more than a page long. Some issue you might want to address:

What do you notice generally?

Can you detect bias? If so, how?

How does the author construct his/her article (i.e.: inverted pyramid? Hooks? Etc).

How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication?

Please do not simply summarize the article and/or give your feelings on the topic! The purpose of these assignments is to look at articles critically and learn from professional journalists

Answer preview How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication

How do the journalists reinforce or challenge the mission of their particular publication

292 words