Discuss your impressions of this model in terms of its fit with your own ideas about how psychotherapy should work

Discuss your impressions of this model in terms of its fit with your own ideas about how psychotherapy should work

Discussion Unit1

Book: Egan, G., & Reese, R. J. (2019). The skilled helper: A problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping(11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.

Chapter 1, “The Power of Basics: Explore the Ingredients of Successful Helping,” pages 3–42, which talks about the nature and goals of helping and some challenges facing the helping professions. This chapter also gives an overview of the helping process itself through a case illustration.

Chapter 3, “Commit Yourself to the Helping Relationship and the Values That Drive It,” pages 65–94.

Discussion Topic 1:

In the first chapter of your course text by Egan and Reese, they laid the groundwork for the skilled helper model. Discuss your impressions of this model in terms of its fit with your own ideas about how psychotherapy should work. Give specific examples of points of the model that are consistent and congruent with your own style. Identify any elements of the model that could pose difficulties for you, and explain why.

Discussion Topic 2

Empirical Support and Psychotherapy Research

Book:Pomerantz, A. M. (2017). Clinical psychology: Science, practice, and culture (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

In your Pomerantz text, issues of empirically supported therapy relationships are addressed. Based on your understanding of these readings and others you find, offer your analysis of this topic. Specifically, what does current research indicate about psychotherapy effectiveness? What are the critical factors? Should we look more carefully at the therapeutic relationship or at specific approaches to therapy, or should there be a different focus altogether?

Be sure to support your ideas with citations from the textbook and other scholarly sources, and list your references at the end of your post.

Chapter 11, “General Issues in Psychotherapy,” pages 244–270, which explores whether psychotherapy works, outlines efforts to identify empirically supported treatments, addresses the process of defining empirically supported therapy relationships, and considers the limitations of therapy work. This chapter also presents a general research summary of the centrality of the therapeutic relationship to psychotherapy outcomes. It presents the therapist’s emphasis and the concept of alliance as a generic therapy ingredient.

Answer preview Discuss your impressions of this model in terms of its fit with your own ideas about how psychotherapy should work

Discuss your impressions of this model in terms of its fit with your own ideas about how psychotherapy should work


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