Provide some basic information about the documents that you have read

Provide some basic information about the documents that you have read

For the Note Assignments, it is asked to provide some basic information about the documents that you have read. There are some basic facts to ascertain about each of the documents:

1. Who wrote this document, and when and where?

2. What kind of document is it?

3. Who is the intended audience for this document?

4. What are the main points of the document?

5. Why was the document written?

6. What can you tell about the society that this document comes from?

PS: Those questions have to be answered for each documents or readings (2).

All the details (including the readings) are in the documents attached. Thanks a lot!

Answer preview  Provide some basic information about the documents that you have read

Provide some basic information about the documents that you have read


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