What is the topic of your photo essay, and which of the four themes have you chosen for this project

What is the topic of your photo essay, and which of the four themes have you chosen for this project


Completion of this check in counts toward your participation grade. To gain full credit for this check-in (5pts) please answer the following questions:

1) What is the topic of your photo essay, and which of the four themes have you chosen for this project? How did you come up with this topic, and what about your theme and topic excite you?

2) How does the subject of your photo essay relate to two or more of our class reading/listening/viewing assignments?

3) What is one though or feeling that you are hoping to explore with this creative project? Is there a question you want to answer? An argument you want to make (or an argument you want to refute)?

4) What is one thing that you are still figuring out about your project? This can be a technical question about an artistic medium or a video software, or it can be an aspect of your essay that you are still working on. This is also your opportunity to ask your peers for their feedback, opinions, or experience with your topic. Feel free to be creative

5) Use the reply feature to comment on two posts from your peers–one of these two comments can be a response to a peer’s comment on your own initial post.


Answer preview What is the topic of your photo essay, and which of the four themes have you chosen for this project

What is the topic of your photo essay and which of the four themes have you chosen for this project


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