Students will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help them achieve their goal(s).

Students will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help them achieve their goal(s).

This is a well-being project that will require students to first assess the current state of their well-being using a specific screening measure. Students will choose a well-being goal(s) to pursue over a period of time (up to two weeks). Students will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help them achieve their goal(s). Finally, a validated post-intervention well-being questionnaire will be taken and a synthesis of the whole process, including results, will be submitted at the end of the course. These activities can also be found at, see rubric. Students will write this up as an empirical paper addressing the following. Introduction: Why did the student decide to change what they (hopefully) changed? What variables facilitated and impeded this change? What mechanisms may explain why? What is the student’s hypothesis? Use research to support answers. Methods: Students will describe the procedure(s) used to change themselves. What techniques were used? What is the science behind these techniques? How did the student measure change? Results: What happened? Even though self-report data may suggest the intervention was effective, the student must also provide corroborating evidence from other sources. Objective health indicators (e.g., fewer sick days used), and behavioral measures (noticing more good things on a daily basis; more positive social interactions) are all appropriate. Discussion: Was the student’s hypothesis confirmed or disconfirmed? Are the results consistent with prior research? What did the student learn about self-change, and positive psychology? The student might discuss strengths, weaknesses, and difficulties in TJG 01/2020 implementing their intervention, or the student might explain why some techniques seemed to be more effective than others. What would the student do differently if they had the opportunity to do it again? Why?

Answer preview Students will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help them achieve their goal(s).

Students will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help them achieve their goal(s).


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